研究生导师 兰月 简介 


1.      姓名:兰月

2.      性别:女

3.     出生年月:1974.7

4.       籍贯:安徽六安

5.       学位:博士

6.       职称:教授

7.       专业:康复医学

8.       所在部门:广州体育学院体育教育学院


二、            专业及研究方向

1. 专业:康复医学

2.      研究方向: 慢性病与老年病的运动康复

三、   主要研究成果

(一)      著作与教材

1. 主编《吞咽障碍居家康复指导 》电子工业出版社 2021年。

(二)      主持科研项目

1. 主持国家自然基金项目“基于非人灵长类动物脑梗死模型研究神经环路E/I平衡损伤与TBS精准调控机制”,2020

2. 主持国家自然基金项目“基于磁共振波谱分析的卒中后吞咽障碍神经网络E/I平衡调控机制研究”,2018

3. 主持国家自然基金项目“基于吞咽脑区MEP定位图绘制的卒中后吞咽功能重建机制研究”,2016

4. 主持国家重点研发计划“脑卒中康复机器人试验与临床示范”,2017

5. 主持广州市科技计划项目产学研协同创新重大专项民生科技攻关计划 “脑梗死认知障碍患者EI平衡精准评价与高精度tDCS精准治疗临床转化研究”,2018

6. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费重点培育项目“TMS精准刺激对卒中后吞咽中枢网络功能连接修复的机制研究”,2018


1.       The  Corticospinal  Excitability  Can  Be Predicted  by  Spontaneous Electroencephalography  Oscillations. Frontiers in Neuroscience.2021

2.     Dynamic Changes of Arc Expression in Dorsal Striatum of Mice After Self-Administration of Sucrose. Front Cell Neurosci. 2021

3.     Effect of Cognitive Function on Balance and Posture Control after Stroke. Neural Plast. 2021

4.     Short intracortical facilitation associates with motor-inhibitory control. Behavioural Brain Research 2021

5.     Influence of iTBS on the Acute Neuroplastic Change After BCI Training. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 2021

6.     Near-Infrared Light Laser-Triggered Release of Doxorubicin and Sorafenib from Temperature-Sensitive Liposomes for Synergistic Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology.2020

7.     hUCMSCs Mitigate LPS-Induced Trained Immunity in Ischemic Stroke. Front. Immunol. 2020

8.     Comparison of Activation Patterns in Mirror Neurons and the Swallowing Network During Action Observation and Execution: A Task-Based fMRI Study.Front. Neurosci2020

9.     Phasic GABA signaling mediates the protective effects of cTBS against cerebral ischemia in mice. Neuroscience Letters 2020

10.   Continuous theta burst stimulation dilates meningeal lymphatic vessels by up-regulating VEGF-C meninges. Neuroscience Letters. 2020

11.   Trends of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation From 2009 to 2018:A Bibliometric Analysis. Front Neurosci. 2020

12.   TMS brain mapping of the pharyngeal cortical representation in healthy subjects. Brain Stimulation. 2020

13.   Continuous theta burst stimulation provides neuroprotection by accelerating local cerebral blood flow and inhibiting inflammation in a mouse model of acute ischemic stroke. Brain Research, 2020

14.   Intermittent Theta-Burst Stimulation Over the Suprahyoid Muscles Motor Cortex Facilitates Increased Degree Centrality in Healthy Subjects. Front. Hum. Neurosci2020

15. Intermittent Theta-Burst Stimulation Reverses the After-Effects of Contralateral Virtual Lesion on the Suprahyoid Muscle Cortex: Evidence From Dynamic Functional Connectivity Analysis. Front Neurosci. 2019

16.   The After-Effects of Theta Burst Stimulation Over the Cortex of the Suprahyoid Muscle on Regional Homogeneity in Healthy Subjects. Front Behav Neurosci, 2019

17.   Effects of Voluntary Wheel-Running Types on Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Spatial Cognition in Middle-Aged Mice. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2018

18.   Overexpression of Slit2 improves function of the paravascular pathway in the aging mouse brain. International Journal of Molecular Medicine2018

19.   Effects of Theta Burst Stimulation on Suprahyoid Motor Cortex Excitability in Healthy Subjects. Brain Stimulation. 2017

20.   The Effect of Bolus Consistency on Swallowing Function Measured by High-Resolution Manometry in Healthy Volunteers. The Laryngoscope, 2017

21.   Voluntary Exercise Promotes Glymphatic Clearance of Amyloid Beta and Reduces the Activation of Astrocytes and Microglia in Aged Mice. Front Mol Neurosci. 2017

22.   Alterations of the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation in healthy subjects with theta-burst stimulation of the cortex of the suprahyoid muscles. Neuroscience. 2017

23.   Continuous theta burst stimulation facilitates the clearance efficiency of the glymphatic pathway in a mouse model of sleep deprivation. Neurosciences letters. 2017

24.   1 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the posterior parietal cortex modulates spatial attention. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016





1. 国家自然科学基金评审专家,









