1. 主编 国家统编教材《运动疗法》中山大学出版社,2017年
2. 主编 网络MOOC教材 《运动损伤预防与康复》 智慧树,2019年
3. 主编 国家统编教材《运动治疗技术》 人民卫生出版社,2020年
4. 主编《康复治疗师临床工作指南·手法治疗技术》人民卫生出版社,2020年
5. 主编《治疗性运动实验手册》 中山大学出版社,2020年
6. 主译《运动控制:非控制性运动的管理》 人民卫生出版社,2019年
7. 主译《颈痛障碍康复》 北京科学技术出版社,2021年
8. 主译《AAOS-骨科术后康复》北京科学技术出版社,2021年
9. 主译《物理治疗临床康复手册》 北京科学技术出版社,2021年
10. 主译《康复物理因子治疗》 人民卫生出版社,2021年
1. 主持:国家重点研发项目“面向老人进食、洗浴和情感陪护的智能辅具技术与系统研发", 2020, 36万
2. 主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目“不同精神压力与身体负荷对电脑工作相关颈痛的成因机制研究”, 2014, 61万
3. 主持:国家自然科学基金配套项目 “不同精神压力与身体负荷对电脑工作相关颈痛的成因机制研究”, 2014, 15万
4. 主持:广州市产业技术重大攻关计划 “基于虚拟现实与人工智能的运动康复诊疗一体化系统", 2018, 160万
5. 主持:横向课题 “广东省合生珠江教育发展基金会项目”, 2020, 400万
6. 主持:横向课题 “智慧康复医疗物联网信息化平台临床研发与验证”, 2020, 60万
7. 主持:中山大学青年教师培育计划 “精神压力与身体负荷交互效应的工作相关颈痛的发病机制研究”, 2013, 15万
8. 主持:美国中华医学基金会, CMB “Nationwide
Physical Therapists Training Program in China", 2015, 20万
1. Wan R, Wang Y, Feng B, Jiang X, Xu Y, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Wang Y. Effect of High-definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Conditioned Pain Modulation in Healthy Adults: A Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial. Neuroscience. 2021 Oct.18. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.10.019.
2. Xue Jiang, Yafei Wang, Ruihan Wan, Beibei Feng, Ziping Zhang, Yangyang Lin, Yuling Wang, The effect of high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation on pain processing in a healthy population: a single-blinded crossover controlled study, Neuroscience Letters, 2021, 136304, ISSN 0304-3940, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2021.136304.
3. Feng B, Hu X, Lu WW, Wang Y, Ip WY. Are mindfulness treatments effective for pain in cancer patients? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Pain. 2021 Aug 9. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1849. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34369040.
4. Guo S, Liu P, Feng B, Xu Y, Wang Y. Efficacy of kinesiology taping on the management of shin splints: a systematic review. Phys Sportsmed. 2021 Jul 19:1-9. doi: 10.1080/00913847.2021.1949253. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34176444.
5. Lin Y, Jin J, Lv R, Luo Y, Dai W, Li W, Tang Y, Wang Y(*), Ye X, Lin WJ. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation increases the brain's drainage efficiency in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropathol Commun (IF=7.801). 2021; 9(1):102.
6. Feng BB, Chen KD, Zhu XX, Wing-Yuk Ip, Lars L Andersen, Philip Page, Wang YL(*). Prevalence and risk factors of self-reported wrist and hand symptoms and clinically confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome among office workers in China: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health (IF=3.295). 2021; 21(1):57.
7. Zhao YQ, Zhang ZP, Guo SM, Feng BB, Zhao XY, Wang XQ, Wang YL(*). Bibliometric analysis of research articles on pain in the elderly published from 2000 to 2019. J Pain Res (IF= 3.133). 2021; 14:1007-1025.
8. Xu YF, Yi LR, Lin YY, Peng SY,Wang WM, Lin WJ, Chen PZ, Zhang WC, Deng YJ, Guo SM, Shi L, Wang YL(*). Screening for Cognitive Impairment after Stroke: Validation of the Chinese Version of the Quick Mild Cognitive Impairment screen (Qmci-CN). Front Neurol (IF=4.003). 2021; 12: 608188.
9. Yan W, Yu Y, Wang Y, Jiang X, Wan R, Ji C, Shi L, Wang X, Wang Y. Research Relating to Low Back Pain and Physical Activity Reported Over the Period of 2000-2020. J Pain Res. 2021
10. Yan WW, Zheng KY, Weng LM Chen CC, Kiartivich S, Jiang X, Su, X, Wang YL(*) & Wang X. Bibliometric evaluation of 2000-2019 publications on functional near-infrared spectroscopy. NeuroImage (IF=6.556). 2020; 220:117121.
11. Wang WM, Wang ST, Lin WJ, Li X, Andersen LL, Wang YL(*). Efficacy of whole body vibration therapy on pain and functional ability in people with non-specific low back pain: a systematic review. BMC Complement Med Ther (IF= 2.833). 2020; 20(1):158.
12. Xu YF, Lin YY, Yi LR, Li Z, Li X, Yu YY, Guo YX, Wang YL(*), Jiang HY, Chen ZM, Svendrovski A, Gao Y, Molloy DW, O’Caoimh R. Screening for cognitive frailty using short cognitive screening instruments: comparison of the Chinese versions of the MoCA and Qmci screen. Front Psychol (IF=2.990). 2020; 4(11): 558.
13. Li X, Zhou T, Zou Z, Ye ZM, Phil P, Andersen LL A, Luo LJ, Wang X, Wang YL(*). Effects of kinesiology tape on post-stroke patients with complex regional pain syndrome type 1: A randomized control trial. Journal of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation & Disabilities. 2020, 6(1): 10040.
14. Xu Y, Lin Y, Yi L, Li Z, Li X, Yu Y, Guo Y, Wang Y, Jiang H, Chen Z, Svendrovski A, Gao Y, Molloy DW and O’Caoimh R (2020) Screening for Cognitive Frailty Using Short Cognitive Screening Instruments: Comparison of the Chinese Versions of the MoCA and Qmci Screen. Front. Psychol. 2020,4(11):558.
15. Xie YF, Feng BB, Chen KD, Andersen LL, Page P, Wang YL*, The Efficacy of Dynamic Contract-Relax Stretching on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness Among Healthy Individuals: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Clin J Sport Med, 2017, 00:1-9
16. Vinstrup J, Skals S, Calatayud J, Wang YL, et al. Electromyographic evaluation of high-intensity elastic resistance exercises for lower extremity muscles during bed rest, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2017, 117(7):1329-1338
17. 王于领,运动与康复,康复学报,2017,27(2): 1~8
18. Fong SS, Ng SS, Guo X, Wang YL, Chung RC, Stat G, Ki WY, Macfarlane DJ. Deficits in Lower Limb Muscle Reflex Contraction Latency and Peak Force Are Associated with Impairments in Postural Control and Gross Motor Skills of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Study, Medicine (Baltimore). 2015, 94(41): e1785
19. Feng BB, Liang Q, Wang YL*, Andersen LL, Szeto GPY, Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal symptoms of the neck and upper extremity among dentists in China, BMJ Open. 2014,4(12): e006451
20. Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Brandt M, Jay K, Colado JC, Wang YL, Andersen LL, Acute effect of topical menthol on chronic pain in slaughterhouse workers with carpal tunnel syndrome: triple-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial, Rehabil ResPract. 2014, 2014:310913
21. Brandt M, Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Jay K, Colado JC, Wang YL, Zebis MK, Andersen LL. Association between Neck/Shoulder Pain and Trapezius Muscle Tenderness in Office Workers, Pain Res Treat. 2014, 2014:352735
22. 王亚飞,王于领*,梁崎,张洲,徐智勤,不同体位和阻力运动对健康人心血管反应的影响,中国康复,2014,29 (1): 24~27
23. Lidegaard M, Jensen RB, Andersen CH, Zebis MK, Colado JC, Wang YL, Heilskov-Hansen T, Andersen LL, Effect of brief daily resistance training on occupational neck/shoulder muscle activity in office workers with chronic pain: randomized controlled trial, Biomed Res Int. 2013, 2013:262386
24. Wang YL, Wang YF, Liang Q, Cardiovascular responses and subjective perceive during different positions and resistive exercises in healthy adults, Heart. 2012, 98: (Suppl2) E288
25. Wang YL, Liang Q, Yin N, Wang YF, Zhang Z, Heart rate variability and subjective responses in patients with stroke: influence of postures and resistive exercises, Heart. 2012, 98: (Suppl2) E276
26. Wang YL, Szeto GPY, Chan CC, Effects of physical and mental task demands on cervical and upper limb muscle activity and physiological responses during computer tasks and recovery periods, Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011, 111(11):2791-2803
27. 梁崎,王于领*,林凤巧,孙冰,陈曦,马虹,七天体力活动回顾问卷中文版信度与效度研究,中国康复医学杂志. 2010,25(11):1078~1081
1. 2018年度中国康复医学会教学成果奖 一等奖
1. 中国康复医学会副秘书长、常务理事
2. 中国康复医学会物理治疗专业委员会主任委员、康复医学教育专业委员会副主任委员
2. 中国生物材料学会康复器械与生物材料分会主任委员
3. 中国医师学会骨科医师分会骨科康复专委会副主任委员
4. 中国医药教育协会肩肘关节康复分会副主任委员
5. 中华医学会运动医学分会运动康复学组委员
6. 广东省医学会社区康复学分会副主任委员
7. 广东省康复医学会副秘书长、物理治疗师分会会长、康复医学教育分会副会长
8. 广东省医师学会运动医学医师分会运动康复学组副组长等